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Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Kapan kita punya Komputer Super yang canggih Buatan Dalam Negeri?

     Saat ini negara Asia yang dulunya teknologinya tertinggal jauh dari Amerika atau Eropa, tapi akhir-akhir ini  kemajuan teknologi dari Asia benar-benar mengagumkan. Semakin banyak negara Asia yang mulai merajai Teknologi di beberapa bidang seperti ICT, Nuklir, Bioteknologi, nanoteknologi, aerospace, rekayasa mekanik dan lainnya. Contohnya bisa kita lihat di negara-negara seperti Cina, India, Jepang, Korea, Iran, dan beberapa negara lainnya.

     Baru-baru ini Cina memegang posisi pertama untuk kategori Komputer tercepat di dunia yang dirilis pada 17 Juni 2013 oleh TOP500 bernama Tianhe-2 atau Milkyway mengalahkan superkomputer buatan Amerika. TOP500 adalah sebuah organisasi yang mendata superkomputer tercepat yang sedang digunakan saat ini. Tercatat performanya memiliki 33,86 Petaflop/s (Peta Floating-point Operation per second). Petaflop adalah sebuah pengukuran untuk mengukur kecepatan pemrosesan komputer dan 1 Petaflops adalah seribu triliun operasi floating point (flop) per detik. Tianhe-2 ini dikembangkan oleh National University of Defense Technology Cina dan akan diletakkan di National Supercomputer Center in Guangzho, China, pada akhir tahun ini. Tianhe-2 memiliki 16.000 node, masing-masing node menggunakan dua prosesor Intel Xeon Ivybridge dan tiga prosesor Xeon Phi dengan total gabungan yaitu 3.120.000 core komputasi. 
   Prestasi yang di dapatkan ini tak lain juga merupakan dukungan yang besar dari Pemerintah Cina, karena pembuatan Superkomputer ini digagas, didanai, dan dikelola oleh Pemerintah provinsi Cina untuk menciptakan teknologi yang canggih dalam segala bidang dan terbebas serta mandiri dari teknologi asing seperti Amerika misalnya.
  Sebenarnya kita pun sangat-sangat bisa, asalkan di dukung dengan produk kebijakan yang mendukung penelitian untuk teknologi di bidang ICT dan bidang lainnya. Selain itu dukungan finansial untuk penelitian juga harus besar-besaran untuk menghasilkan hasil yang semaksimal-maksimalnya, sehingga menciptakan iklim penelitian yang kondusif bagi peneliti karena mereka juga di danai dan juga taraf kehidupannya juga terjamin. Oleh karena itu korupsi juga harus diberantas agar uang negara tidak terpangkas habis oleh koruptor. Sehingga uang rakyat bisa digunakan untuk memajukan pendidikan dan teknologi buatan dalam negeri.


Hari Peringatan untuk memerangi Kekeringan/ Penggurunan

       Mungkin banyak yang tidak tahu jika tanggal 17 Juni kemarin adalah hari peringatan sedunia untuk memerangi kekeringan/penggurunan tanah. Semakin bertambah usia bumi, semakin bertambah pula populasi manusia, sehingga terjadi peningkatan pembangunan rumah, apartemen, bangunan pencakar langit, dan pada akhirnya menggusur keberadaan lahan hijau, seperti hutan, sawah, dan berikutnya juga akan berimbas pada kelangkaan hewan-hewan dan juga kelangkaan air, serta bencana yang ditimbulkan akibat pengelolaan ekosistem yang tidak seimbang seperti kasus di atas. 
       Pada beberapa negara mungkin sudah merasakan efek kekeringan atau penggurunan, bahkan di Indonesia sendiri pun sudah banyak wilayah-wilayah yang mengalami kekeringan. Misalnya saja daerah Gunung Kidul Jogjakarta, dan wilayah lainnya yang mungkin tidak pernah kita dengar namanya karena saking terpencilnya daerah itu. 
          Memang sumber daya air termasuk sumber daya yang dapat di perbaharui namun keberadaannya juga tergantung dari ekosistem disekitarnya dan bagaimana kita melestarikan sumber daya air tersebut seperti misalnya kondisi tanah yang baik, dan tersedianya lahan yang ditumbuhi pohon-pohon/ hutan sebagai penyangga/ cadangan air ketika kita sedang dilanda kekeringan. Saat ini sering kita jumpai sungai-sungai yang mengering akibat pemanasan global yang menyebabkan terjadinya kekeringan yang berkepanjangan.
           Satu-satunya negara yang menerapkan kebijakan kekeringan nasional adalah baru Australia. Mungkin kita patut mencontoh upaya tersebut dan mendukung dari level kebijakan untuk dapat membuat perubahan yang besar dan nyata dalam menghadapi bencana kekeringan misalnya. Seringkali setiap mengalami bencana kita hanya melakukan pemulihan pasca bencana ketimbang melakukan tindakan pencegahan lebih dini.

Minggu, 16 Juni 2013

How to Install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express

When i was a student i have been an internship trainee in one of Oil and Gas Company. There i was given some task to create web base application that cover maintenance operation in this company. In this case we were using Code Igniter as a framework and PHP as a programming language, and we use SQL Server 2008 for database. I want to share how to Install Microsoft SQL Server 2008.

1. Double click the Installer as a picture below. Wait a minute for extracting files of the Installer.

 Here is the first windows menu of SQL Server Installation Center. Then double click 'Installation or add features to an existing installation'.

 2. Wait a second, SQL Server 2008 R2 is still processing. Then it appears License Terms Windows. Check the checkbox to accept all licence term. Then click Next button.

3. Then check the mandatory feature, Database Engine Service and Management Tools - Basic. Then click Next butto.
4. Then Instance Configuration window appear, and we have to specify Name ID and Instance ID.


Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

Side Effect of 5 cm Film

i Love hiking very much. In every trip, i and my friends always aware about waste that we produce along the trip. We never throw away the waste in random place, but we always keep our waste in our bags or pockets if we produce waste.
Recently, there is one film that figure out about Semeru Mountains Experience, and the film is "5 cm". I realize this film could raise up the  tourism object and Semeru Mountain name.  In other side, there are a lots of people will come Semeru, and this is worried me very much. I am afraid if there are a lots of people, it also increase waste such as plastics, bottle,and others.
When i last time go to Semeru, many visitors didnt have awareness about the environment in Semeru. And  they throw away innocently the waste that they  have already produced along the trip, so in many spot there is midden or waste. I am very upset. I am afraid if Semeru will not beautiful and gorgeous any more. The people should be notice the manner of traveling in Conservation Area or in Natural Tourism Object  :

  • Take Nothing but Pictures,
  • Leave Nothing but Footprints,
  • Kill Nothing but Time,

I heard other people says formerly there were deers, tigers, falcons, pigs, wild dogs, and monkeys. But when last time i go there i never seen them. Maybe because of the human appearance increase in every year make these animals become rare and disturbed. I hope this National Park will keep conserve the biodiversity in Semeru Mountain and Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park.

Amazing moment Hiking in Semeru Mountain

Actually,  i want to be relax for a while. I want to go somewhere that give me a peace and relax my body and my mind. I think go to gorgeous place that provide natural scenery, green trees, blooming flower is interesting to be enjoyed. I want to share my journey to Semeru Mountain.

As we know that Semeru is located in one area in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in East Java. I went to Semeru when i was a student in Agustus 2010. I went there with my friends in my college. Before we went to semeru we have to prepare some things that be beneficial for us to prevent other things that we dont want to happen. First, we have to prepare our private goods such as raincoat, gloves, warm clothes, hat, shoes, shocks, watch, sleeping bag, medicine, carrier bag, and other. We are meet in our basecamp in campus to prepare logistics, tent, stove, and buy vegetables, snack and meals for us. After that we divide all goods that we have to bring in each of our carrier bag as equal as possible. And we also prepare important documents such as Identity Card, Health Letter to be used when we administer ourself to the post guard in Ranu Pane. After that we go to railways station in Gubeng Surabaya by public transportation bring our big and heavy carrier. Then we bought tickets to Malang City, and after that we arrive in Malang railway station approximately for 2,5 hours. After that we contact our senior that live in Malang, and we are fetched by  custody car, because our senior worked in Judiciary Ministry and need big cars that enough to covered us and our big carrier. After that we stay and take a rest in his office in mushola. Then in the morning we go to Tumpang sub-district. After that we find other transportation to go to Ranu Pane and finally we found a jip, i forgot how much money did we paid for the jip maybe the range from 150-300 thousand rupiahs. It depends on how many people in jip, it will be cheaper when we are in a lots of people that use the jip, so we can divide the cost to many people.
After we arrive in Ranu Pane, we went to post guard to buy a tickets and administered us and paid 3.000 rupiahs if i am not mistaken and also showing id card and a health letter from hospital. Then we ready to start the hiking. First we entered the Ranu Pane Post/ Gate. In this place there are a beautiful scenery we could see, such as rice fields and vegetable garden. Then in 1.5 hours  we passed Post 1, there we coud choose to take a rest for a while or directly go to Post 2. In the post 2 we can take a rest for a while too. After 2.5 hours we will find Watu Rejeng, the black big stone that is likely a cliff. Then, after 2 hours we will arrive in Ranu Kumbolo Lake.

It has been Afternoon when we arrive Ranu Kumbolo Lake. And we are take a rest and praying Dhuhur and Ashar, and while my other friends set up the tents. This pictures figure out how  the scenery in Ranu Kumbolo. It is very Amazing.

This picture is taken in the morning, and there is many hikers set up their tent near Ranu Kumbolo. My tent is the white one, because the yellow cover has released from its tent, because we have to packing all of our goods and we have to continue our trip.

this picture is taken in the early morning at 6 am.
After that we continue our trip. we passed the track named Tanjakan Cinta. And then we passed Oro-Oro Ombo. Oro-Oro Ombo has a beautiful scenery, there is a wild purple flowers, wild yellow and green grass, and large savana.
After that we entered the forest vegetation named Cemoro Sewu, Cemoro is pine tree, and Sewu is a thousand. So that means this vegetations have a lots of Pine trees. And we have to aware because there are many incidents that the visitors is lost their way and they only turn around cemoro sewu, So we have to be carefully and keep together with friends. After that we will passed Kali Mati. There is no water there, so we have to prepare full of water in Ranu Kumbolo before. It is true that there is water near Kali Mati, but it takes 1 hour to go there. After we break to eat meals or snack, then we continue our trip to went to Arcopodo. The track to Arcopodo is very hard for me, because the land is uphill very much. Maybe it takes 3 or 4 hours to reach Arcopodo. Then we take a rest in Arcopodo, and set up tents and pray dhuhur and ashar, and prepare to cook meals for our dinner. Then after we eat we take a rest in the night, and at 11.59 pm we wake up and prepare ourself for Summit Attack. We bring water and torch or head lamp for our light in the night. And then we have to fight with thirsty and tired body, because its very hard track, i almost give up to hiking Mahameru. But finally i did it. This is my picture when i was at the top of the mountain.


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